Access to our cutting-edge personalised virtual learning environment from anywhere in the world.
knowledge of industry with high-quality academic delivery, ensuring that all of our online programmes are delivered in a manner that helps you to assimilate knowledge quickly and easily.
We are committed to offering our students the highest quality online education or in-class blended learning experience. We have been given good reviews from our students
We are proud to consistently achieve high student satisfaction ratings in the reviews.
The courses at Atlas are designed specifically for online delivery, combining high-quality teaching with the latest technology, allowing you to study from anywhere in the world. Our online tutors combine their knowledge of industry with high-quality academic delivery, ensuring that all of our online programmes are delivered in a manner that helps you to assimilate knowledge quickly and easily.
Studying online with us will give you access to our cutting-edge personalised virtual learning platform, available 24/7 on any device. Our learning platform allows you to get the full higher education experience from anywhere in the world. Access all of the interactive materials required to complete your studies, including the Atlas online virtual library, and network with fellow students from around the world in our online discussion forums.
Atlas wants to become a world leader in online learning by making higher education accessible to everyone with the potential and drive to succeed.
Our VLE portal system which facilitates a unique and innovative way of learning. This makes learning easy and much more convenient.
Whichever course you choose, we guarantee learner satisfaction. The qualifications we offer are relevant, worthwhile and widely recognised by employers and universities. They will genuinely enhance your employability and increase your life opportunities.
If you choose to study online, you will have access to our superb portal with its extensive library of e-books, periodicals, and support materials. You will also have a dedicated course supervisor who will give you support, guidance and feedback on all academic matters, including post-course progression.
If you opt for the face-to-face study, you will have the best of both worlds. Not only will you benefit from our excellent facilities and superb teaching from experienced lecturers in the classroom, but you will also have access to all the online materials on the portal, including our online library.